In those years, I have been on a LOT of first dates. Most of them have been boring, average affairs, but some of them have been eye-rolling, groan-worthy productions where I've wished I was at home with a cold. Based on those experiences, here is my list of "Don'ts" for guys on a first date:
1) Don't get sloppy with your appearance. Only Collin Farrell and Adrian Grenier can pull that off. Dress nicely. Shave. Get a haircut.
2) Don't talk about the history of corn. Or your health issues. The first is coma-inducing. The second is just icky.
My date last night was disappointing. |
4) Don't force a first kiss just to "get it over with." It's a mood-killer. Let it happen naturally.
5) Don't make comments about beating up women, children or animals. It's not funny.
What have I forgotten? What "Don'ts" do you have?